Tag Archives: socrates

Happy Presidents’ Day! And What’s on Honest Abe’s iPod?

Posted by Elizabeth Devereux

Last year for Presidents’ Day, I blogged about the surprising amount of musical talent that’s passed through the White House over the years.  This year, I’d like to direct you all to a great NPR segment on Abraham Lincoln’s musical interests called “If Abraham Lincoln had an iPod”.

I’d love to find an extensive musical-historical project that researched historical figures’ musical tastes and listed their “iPod favorites” as well.

What do you think was on Socrates’ iPod? Babe Ruth’s? Harriet Tubman’s? Genghis Kahn’s? Jane Austen’s? Christopher Columbus’? Marie Antoinette’s? W.E.B. Du Bois’? Adolf Hitler’s? Pablo Picasso’s? Henry the VIII’s? Charlemagne’s?

Oh, the list could go on and on…any guesses?  Share them in the comments space below!